Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
Mistress Annastassja Diaz de Leon...(mka Mariea Dillenkofer) Interests in the period of 1500-1600 -especially the garb of 16th century Spain, Painting - particularly enjoy portraiture. Illumination & Calligraphy, Archery. Interested in learning more about pattern drafting, accessorizing, millinery, and late period sewing as well as metalsmithing for making jewelry. Advisory Council
Master Anton of Winter Oak...(mka Jay Cross)
Calligraphy, Astronomy, Illumination. Involved with " I Sebastiani ", the Greatest Commedia dell' Arte Troupe in the Entire World ™. Visit the Commedia website at http://www.isebastiani.com.
Aruvqan Shu-nu-shi of Kazdag (called Margali)...(mka Marilyn Traber) Interests in Persia in the 15th and 16th centuries-Food, Clothing and Maintaining a Household, as well as Persian Miniature Painting, and Poetry. Also interested in learning anything about Middle Eastern culture and its impact on renaissance Europe.
Lady Aurora ffolkes...(mka Katherine DeSantis-Martin)
Flemish, French, Italian and English Costume. Guildmistress
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
Belinda Graham (formerly Belinda von Aultenstein)...(mka Leigh Tartaglio)
Textile and related arts, Midwifery, Recreation Cookery (period recipes under period conditions), Herbal and Horticultural Studies.
Brunissende Dragonette de Broc?liande (mka Mathilde Poussin) Interests in Cooking (primarily French), 15th-16th century French costume, History, Fencing, Needlepoint, Heraldry
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Senora Catalina Maria D'Oro...(mka Heather Lynn Markle)
Senora Catalina is a resident of Venice in the 1520's. She is the matron of a middle class shipping family and sometime chef. Senora is fascinated by Italian Renaissance Culture and History. This crosses over into Garb Making and Cooking (her passion).She hopes to expand her knowledge of all things renaissance and share what she has learned.
Dame Catriona Mairghread nic Dhuibh of Moray...(mka Monica Elaine Spence) Costuming History and Construction, History/Art (portraits). Scottish History, Tudor/Elizabethan Life, Italian (Florentine) History, Life and costume. Eleonora of Toledo. Advisory Council
Lady Cristina Eulalia Ruiz y Mendoza de Toledo...(mka Christine Basulto) Mid to late 16th Century Spain: Costuming, Accessories, History and Art.
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Baronessa Maestra Damiana Iliaria d’Onde...(mka Elizabeth Jones)
General Costume of 1400-1630, specifically Pisanello Costume Studies of 1450, Men's Hose, Shoes, Period Belts, Polyphonic and Sephardic Music, Hearth Cooking with Period Utensils. Advisory Council
Mistress Deonora Ridenow...(mka Denise Zaccagnino)
Tudor and Elizabethan England, History, Culture, Costume; 15th and 16th Century Italian History, Culture and Costume; Turkish Culture (esp. Embroidery); Cooking, Embroidery, Brewing.
Mistress Dorigen of the Grey Gate...(mka Janet Anderson)
Poetry & Cooking.
Baroness Mistress Dorren of Ashwell...(mka Barbara Ding)
A Tudor-era widow who spends much of her time managing and expanding the family lands while her brother is off galavanting in the New World. Primary SCA interests include Needlework, Accessories, Folklore/Culture, Middle English. Secondary interests encompass just about everything else. Also involved in Athena's Thimble, Calligraphy & Illumination. Wants to learn Pattern Drafting, Corsetry that fits.
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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TH Lady Elwisia Mouche de Voujeaucourt...(mka Michelle M. B. Beale) Resides in the Kingdom of Meridies. Focus on the Burgundian Period of Duke Philippe le Bon and his son Charles le Hardi. Complete Costume, Period Jewelry Making, Cooking, French History, Daily Life and Customs, Complete Persona. Webmistress
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lady Faoiltighearna MacQuarrie...(mka Margo Farnsworth)
Italian Renaissance Costuming, Viking, Hairstyles, Outdoor Cooking.
Maestra Francesca della L'Aura di Firenze...(mka Meg Carignan)
Costuming. Mistress of Ruantallan Chapter
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
Gabija von Ahornwald...(mka Gaile
Garb, Needlework, Graphic Arts - Pen & Ink Illustration.
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
Master Henry Kersey of Devon...(mka
Richard Harper)
Costuming, Music, Drama and Society.
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Mistress Ingrid von Baumgarten...(mka Julie Gori)
Stained Glass, Needlework - especially Blackwork, Beadwork.
Duquesa Baroness Mistress Isabella of York
...(mka Tonessa West-Crowe) Total immersion in period, Social Mores, History, Cutlure (worldwide), Brewing, Costuming, Poetry, Drama, Music, Philosophy, Politics, etc...
Advisory Council - Out-Kingdom Envoy - Founder of the Gilded Pearl
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lady Jane Milford... interests in English Country Dance, period Italian and French dance, History of John Playfords Dances, Culture and Politics of dance, and period Italian Rapier.
TH Lordship Don Justinian Timagenes... interests in English Country Dance, Tudor & Elizabethan Costume, Culture and Politics, Tudor & Elizabethan Costuming in Portraits site www.Tudor-Portraits.com, Instructor of period Italian Rapier techniques.
Master John Lyttleton...(mka Ken Anders)
Theatre, Music, Costume & Customs (Behavior, Rituals, etc.).
Baroness Jacqueline Helene Loisel...(mka Jackie Kapaj) Tudor and Elizabethan clothing. Council Member
Lord Joseph Van der Cullen...(mka Erik Friedman)
Edward VI through Good Queen Bess; Blackwork and other Needlework for Shirts and partlets.
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Baroness Laura Della Francesca...(mka Laurel Ramsden)
Bronze Sculpture, Embroidery, Cooking: especially Florentine Renaissance, Patronage Systems, Venetian Tables.
Lady Lisel Lüders...(mka Wanda Peck)
Stained Glass, Sewing.
Master Luke Knowlton ...(mka L.E. Pearson) Daily Life 1575-1650, especially Elizabethan Military Science; Male Elizabethan Clothing, Leather Trades - Shoemaking, Bottlemaking.
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Lady Maddalena Salutati ...(mka Nancy Stengel) Resides in the Kingdom of Atlantia. Italian Renaissance Costume and Beadwork, Music (vocal).
Herr Kapit?n Malachias von Morgenstern...(mka Sean C. Laney)
Resides in the Kingdom of the West. Maritime and Nautical Arts, Sciences, History, and Warfare, Woodworking, Spanish Illumination, The Reconquista, 16th and 17th Century German History and Culture, Jewelry Making, Performing Arts, North African History and Culture, and just about anything else.
Lord Michael Graham (formerly Kurt-Michael von Aultenstein)...(mka Michael Tartaglio) Daily Life and Material Culture 15th through 17th Century, Medicine and Surgery, Military Studies, Martial studies (Duelling and Judicial Combat) and assorted crafts.
Countess Mistress Morgen Duval...(mka Sally Tschanz)
Sewing, Jewelry-making, Silversmithing.
Mistress Morwynna Cryw...(mka Veda Crewe Joseph)
Caligraphy & Illumination. The whole concept of a Rennaisance Artist. What people wore and how it was made. Embroidery and other needlework. Leather Work, Shoemaking and other accessories. Creating a Total Persona. Visit Morwynna's web page at http://www.renaissance-artist.com Council Member
Lady Muirne ni Cormaic (aka Elyzabeth Vynehorn)...(mka Susan Scoville) Interests are: Shoemaking, Glovemaking, Hats, Clothing (particularly Italian and English), Dance, Textiles, Embroidery, Cooking, and Literature of the period.
Central Region Deputy Guild Mistress
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Oohashi Katsutoshi-Sensei...(mka Bill Whitley)
Renaissance Interests are Bookbinding and Printing. Other Interests are 13th - 14th C Japanese.
Baron Master Oswald von dem Grunwald...(mka Ted Dillenkofer)
Bookbinding, Marbling, Fighting, Archery, Golf, Period Fly-Fishing and Fly-Tying, Woodworking, Blackwork Embroidery.
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lord Renier VerPlanck...(mka Rick Wolff)
Early 1600's Dutch, Cartography.
Lord Richard of Lough Ree...(mka Richard Crowe)
Drama, Chivalry and the evolution of the Sonnet in England.
THL Master Roderic of Basing...(mka Steve Barratt)
Leather, Wood, Artillery, Gunsmithing, Period Camping, 15th Century, 17th Century.
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Do?a Sancha de Flores ... (mka Jessica Valadez) Music, Theatre & Drama, Commedia dell'arte, Entertainers in Period Society, Spanish History & Culture, Blackwork. Member of "The Coribant Compaignye" a Renaissance-oriented troupe of performers.
Seamus O'Garity...(mka Jim Gority)
Daily Life 1600-1650, English Civil War.
Lady Sinora of the Latter Hours...(mka Susan Steffan)
Brewing, Cooking, Sewing.
Lord Stuirhardt Martainn MacDhomnaul...(mka Stuart Joseph)
Music, Musical Instruments, Dance, Clothing, Furniture, Leather, Period Items for Sale, Heraldry and Calligraphy.
Mistress Suzanne Neuber de Londres...(mka Susan Maebert-Frank)
Costuming - Italian and German, Brewing, Dance, Period 1450-1550.
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lord Thomas of Northpass...(mka
Tom Martin)
Leather, Carpentry.
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lord Uther Shieldbreaker...(mka
Paul Kowalinski)
Military & Naval History: Eastern and Western European
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Lord Wulstan of Ravenswood...(mka Eric W. Johnson)
Son of a nobleman in the service of King Henry VIII and an Italian merchant
mother. Primary focus on Study and Construction of Men's Tudor Garb
(early 1500's), Costuming, Archery, Bureaucratic Service. Advisory
Vincenzio Martinez Di Mazza...(mka
Martin Diehl)
Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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Guildmembers and their Fields of Interest (alphabetically)
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