Letter from the GuildmistressNotes from our Most Recent Meeting |
23 September, AS XXXIX, 2004 Greetings to all the Guild members! I am writing to you now that the dust has settled on PennsicWar/Northpass' Annual John Barleycorn event and my children are finally in school fulltime! I was at Pennsic and to my surprise I was elected to the Guildmistress post. I hear I was the only one that applied! This was quite a shock as I was unable to attend the meeting - my duties as Land agent/Campmom for my encampment plus an emergency with a child in our neighboring camp kept me busy. My husband Tom first told me that congratulations were sent to me as he ran into folk at the marketplace. I thought he was pulling my leg - the old joke about "don't visit the restroom or you get voted into a job..." Then Lord Wulstan visits me at my camp and gives me banners! I then find out that Isabella is my deputy!!!! What can I say to that? First, I am amazed and quite honored that I am given a chance to serve the Gilded Pearl in such a capacity. Second, I hope to keep the high standards that my predecessors have. I want to thank all of those that have faith in me to take our group forward. I am gathering my thoughts/ideas together for what task to accomplish first. I am as always, in Service, |
Guild Mistress' Past Letters to the Guild