Letter from the Guild MasterNotes from our Most Recent Meeting |
June/July, AS XXXIX, 2004 Greetings to All Members and Friends of the Gilded Pearl! hope that this missive you finds you well. My tenure as Guildmaster is coming to an end and we must give thought to a replacement. This transition will occur at Pennsic 2004. For anyone who is interested in taking this position, kindly send me a note/resume' so that we can begin the formal process of nomination & selection. Please forward this message to anyone you feel would find this of interest. The Gilded Pearl Meeting is currently scheduled for Monday August 16th at Noon in AS 1. A new Guildmaster will be voted upon/confirmed at this meeting and hope you are able to attend. If you are interested in applying for the position, send me a Letter of Intent. We will accept candidates until just before the voting takes place. In Service, |
Guild Mistress' Past Letters to the Guild