Letter from the Guild MasterNotes from our Most Recent Meeting |
October 9, AS XXXVIII, 2003 Greetings All! I hope that everyone's summer went well. Fall is now here and the cooler weather has finally arrived! I so look forward to wearing my Tudor clothing... For all those who came and joined us for our first Pennsic Tea, many thanks! For those who could not be there, you missed a great wonder of enjoyment and refreshments! Tea was a wonderful success and I would like to thank a few people for their efforts: Baron Christos di Cherubino, Lady Laurel Helena of An Dubhaigeainn, Lord Franz (our friend from Bhakhail), Georges Le Bard, Giselle de la Flambeau, Valentina from Caer Adamant, Baroness Scheherezade, Lady Ameena, and "The Baroness Mum of Bhakail". You made Tea a wonderful pleasure! Now that Pennsic is finally "put away" we can all get started on new activities. While it may appear rather quiet of late, there are things going on in the Guild! We served Tea at East Kingdom University in PA in the middle of September and it went extremely well. Many thanks to Baron Christos, Lady Cellach, and the Athena's Thimble contingent who helped make Tea another success. TRM Darius and Roxanne were pleased and thanked us for being there, especially for daytripping! There will be more Tea served in the future! I hope to be in contact with their current RM Balfar and Luna about that possibility. At the end of October we will have new heirs to the throne. Some of our "auxilliary" members may have us busy with all sorts of projects! As soon as that happens, then a more tentative schedule of things will be formed. There is some talk of doing an event in Bhakail next year. Baroness Scheherezade has expressed a desire to host us and we have a standing offer from Baron Jean Xavier and Baroness Gianetta of An Dubhaigeainn as well! Duquessa Isabella is looking to plan a long weekend trip to France to see an exhibit of late period works in Feb. 2004. This could be one of those once in a lifetime exhibits so please give it some thought! Don't forget the Yahoo groups email list. It helps keep all of us in the loop. In Service, |
Guild Mistress' Past Letters to the Guild