Letter from the Guild Mistress

Notes from our Most Recent Meeting

25 October 2000, AS XXXV

I REALLY want to work over the membership "requirements". Will those who are interested please contact me ASAP?

The Formal meetings are coming to an end for a while, but I am encouraging informal gatherings whenever two or more Guild Members attend together.

For reference I can put out my schedule:

10/28 Crown Tourney, Maine
11/11 Agincourt, Ostgardr, NY
12/02 Yule Revel, Iron Bog, NJ
01/13 12th Night (no meeting: I am very busy)
01/20 Sated Sultan, Ostgardr, NY
03/17 Celtic Silliness, Ostgardr, NY

I will add more as I get them, but be aware that I do not often travel far in January and February due to the snow we accumulate around here.

Also, will the Board members and my Assistant please contact me so we can set a time for our meeting?

We have NEW handouts for newcomers. Next time you see me, ask me for some for your area!!


Forever in Service,

Lady Andrea MacIntyre

Scheduled Meetings/Workshops to Watch for - Important!

Guild Mistress' Past Letters to the Guild

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